
Steve Walker


Hope Community Church Middleton, Acre Mount, Middleton, Leeds LS10 4WR, UK

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about the church

Hope Community Church Middleton was planted in South Leeds in August 2020, 100 years after it was first established as a council estate.

Recent Leeds City Council estimates put the population of Middleton at 31,000 making it the largest council ward in a city of over 750,000.

Despite it’s population, Middleton has very little gospel witness, and has many indicators of social deprivation.

City Evangelical Church, Leeds recognised the huge need for gospel witness to the area and sent out 11 individuals who wanted to move into the area to share Christ to the lost.

We launched in September 2020 with two elders and a women’s worker. We meet every Sunday at 3pm in a local primary school.

All of our members live in Middleton, and seek to be a social as well as physical presence in the area. We long to share the gospel with our neighbours and bring them to church services so they can sit under the word, be saved, and grow.