Pastor's Retreat

Our annual pastor’s retreat is delivered In partnership with Church in Hard Places and consists of 3 days of worship, teaching and fellowship. The retreat gives plenty of time for both spiritual and physical refreshment whilst also providing opportunities to foster long-term church partnerships with other pastors and church planters serving in some of the UK’s most deprived communities.

Women's Retreat

Medhurst Women run an annual retreat for female gospel workers, pastor’s wives and those living and ministering in areas of deprivation. The retreat is a time to build friendships, have fellowship and learn from and with one another. 

We at Medhurst know that people’s circumstances differ and that attending this retreat may be difficult for those with young children; therefore, our family workers are available to provide childcare onsite.

Family Retreat

Ministry in areas of deprivation can be tiring and involves sacrifice from the whole family. Therefore, we run an annual family retreat. The retreat is for everyone involved in ministry to deprived places.

Whether you are a child, married or single, the Medhurst Family Retreat enables people to spend time worshipping God and building friendships with others who serve in similar contexts.