Planter and Pastor Training

Pastoring and planting churches in areas of deprivation require skills not ordinarily taught in seminary. That is why we at Medhurst help prepare our students for the realities of ministry in hard places. The subjects studied range from church polity and preaching to fundraising and working with addiction and are delivered through regional cohorts, online classes and one-to-one teaching.

Each cohort member will also receive visits from a pastoral coach who will maintain regular contact to work through ministry situations and the opportunity for each cohort member to attend the annual pastor’s retreat, family retreat and Weekender.

Training for Female Gospel Workers

Medhurst Women is a 3-year rolling program of contextualised training and support for women ministering to women in areas of deprivation. Designed and delivered by experienced practitioners, Medhurst Women is a flexible, practical, and theologically robust training alternative for those considering or already ministering in deprived communities.

After enrolling in the program, each student will receive the following:

  • Monthly online training as part of a small group
  • In-person and online one-to-one support
  • Books and resources
  • Attendance at the Medhurst Women’s Retreat
  • Attendance at the Medhurst Weekender
  • Attendance at the Medhurst Family Retreat

Training and Consultancy for Christian Organisations

Medhrurst Ministries provides bespoke training and consultancy for churches, charities and Christian organisations who seek to develop their work in areas of deprivation. Our training courses are tailored to your needs and delivered by experienced practitioners who will help you think about and plan for your specific context.

We run courses including, yet not limited to, the following:

  • Church Planting
  • Working with addictions
  • Supporting single-parent families and the fatherless
  • Council Estate Ministry
  • Budgets and Fundraising
  • Outreach and Evangelism